
Community Service
Community service is a strong value of our practice.
Some of what we have done and continue to do over the years includes:
Member of work group for increasing mental health services in Midland County.
Past leader for school mental health work group.
Member of Midland County Mental Health Gap Initiative.
Authored a mindfulness curriculum for Windover High School entitled "Mindful Monday." This curriculum introduces students to the practice of mindfulness every Monday and is reinforced throughout the week. We trained Windover school professionals in the curriculum, and helped to evaluate the program.
Provided free trainings over the years to school professionals regarding mental health issues in youth.
Sponsor local sports teams
Sponsor Snow Snake Ski Patrol annually.
Provide free trainings to foster parents and mentors of adjudicated youth.
Purchase supplies and books for Midland Public Schools.
Purchase self-help books for Saginaw Regional Correctional Facility.
Provide free mindfulness training for honors students at Mid-Michigan College.
Provide funding and supplies for the MindsUp Curriculum in 3rd grade classrooms for Midland County Schools - 2017 & 2018 school years.
Sponsor the PAWsitives Helper Program which pairs hard to adopt dogs with adjudicated youth.
Provide free training on a variety of subjects to the public.
Provide families in need with Christmas funding/gifts.
Regular Financial Donations to non-profits such as Shelterhouse, Survivors of Suicide, American Red Cross, Saginaw Soup Kitchen, The Arc, and Mission of Hope.
Community Collaboration
We enjoy collaborating with other mental health agencies as well as schools, churches, and other organizations
to provide mental health services to this community and beyond. If our agency cannot help you, or we believe
you will be better served by another agency, we provide referrals. We are aware and humbled that our services
are only a small part of a larger community, and the only way to make a positive impact is to work together.